April 21, 1993

Dear Helen,

Thank you for your letter. As usual it is always good to receive a word from a friend. I am happy that you are well and that your family is also well and prospering. My children are physically well and they must learn to seek God for their direction. Religious concerns are not their preoccupation. My children are like other children in this world. The world is set in their hearts. However these are not my children. They are God's children that I am obliged to take care of for a short time. He must draw them to Himself when He is ready. I have tried, but I lack the power to give them hearts to know the Lord. That is God's prerogative as their Creator, Father, and Teacher. I have tried to reach them and I have become frustrated because my will is not being done on earth. So I take the attitude of the birds. After they leave the nest, they are on their own to experience whatever God has in store for them in this life. I do not "worry" about them because I know what this first-life is all about. I cannot fret over them when God has given me peace and shown me His rest for our entire FAMILY... ALL GENERATIONS OF HUMANITY.

I am concerned about this world. Men do not know about GOD'S LOVE! I want them to learn of God, not the way the churches teach Him, because men have failed to grasp or fathom the love of God. This ignorance of God and what He is doing helps maintain demonic captivity and preserves man's inhumanity to man. Therefore we have hot spots of hatred in Yugoslavia, Palestine, South Africa, and institutionalized racism in hidden forms in our cultures. All this madness is because men fail to see us ALL as BRETHREN. We are under the influence of evil spirits in this world, Revelation 13:4-7. I am against ignorance and also devils. So I fight both in the "GOOD NEWS".

Thanks also for the Conspiracy of Kindness. You always come up with something interesting. I hope all my brothers and sisters learn to live a life of love and compassion. Some are showing some of God's true qualities as expressions of behavior. It would be lovely if these thing proceed from our innermost being. Then we can know that we have grown in a small way into what we should be. God gave pieces of Himself and created every one you love and all others we need to learn to love. These are members of our FAMILY, human Bosnians, Serbs, Arabs, Jews, Somalis, Russians, Cubans, blacks, whites, "skinheads", neo-Nazis, gang-members, prisoners, and "Koreshnians". Jesus died for ALL and it is your Father's will that we learn to LOVE them ALL as we do our own selves or our own dear mothers! You see they ALL are part of the Father's other SELF, the cell-members of His second BODY. Therefore, I say GOD ELEVATED the Second Great Commandment at par with or on the same level as the First Great Commandment to express that Creation reality. WE are HIS living "cells", separate and yet still part of Him. He is the "LIFE" that we all live. So you see we cannot beat God giving and each one of us serves or should serve as a gift for ALL and to ALL the rest of the FAMILY! This is the essence of PERFECTION IN ONENESS. This is what oneness in spirit is all about! I Corinthians 12:12-25. LOVE commands that I think like my Father in His exact mental likeness. Then I will be made not only in His physical image and likeness (a male spirit: I'm not clay but I am temporarily stuck in it), but I will also be a replica of His mental likeness. So you must excuse me If I do not sound like and act like a "normal" human being with normal dark human thoughts. Men are "dead to God". We are spiritually sick, and the churches are in deep slumber in a non-real dream-world. While all this madness is occurring in our world, men are unaware that the Great Judgment has always been in session, a wind-up of the trial of devils and war over possession of our souls which began in Heaven and has never ceased. We have never wrestled flesh and blood. Men simply cannot see demons and have no idea as to how they possess and control men in our days of wickedness and our history of sin, blood, and death in this place. I do want "out of here". I want Heaven! This is not a "hope" to me! Heaven is every man's destiny. I do not like it when I have to be in a mad prison with dumb, mad prisoners on my body when others are above and can see and touch my Father who is very real to me, while I can only "talk and write" about Him. You see, I am in my veil of flesh, but I (my spirit) have grown too big for this earthen cocoon. If He does not let me out soon, when I finally get out, I will be one super-giant butterfly (angel)! J I simply cannot go faster than God intends to go. His limit is my extreme. I would like to go faster. I would like to destroy ALL DEVILS. I would like to end this "exercise" with devils whom I would never have created nor "used" if it were left up to me. I do not presume to love humanity more than God does in telling you this truth about what God knows is in my heart. But I would never have created the first two "robots" and turned them loose on my FAMILY. GOD knows I would destroy all devils instantly if He allowed me to control His power for a conscious minute. Then He would have to teach us personally and directly. And I know He has the skill to do that effectively and efficiently and perfectly without the presence of demons in the creations!! There is nothing that God cannot do or that is too hard for Him to do. You see, WE KNOW that we simply do not "need" demons. But I am not the "Boss", and He has chosen to teach us by precept and example and by comparison and contrast, the negative or dark side being demon-"tools". I tell you something else, your brothers and sisters in Heaven think like I do! Read: Psalm 149:5-9; Jeremiah 51:35; Revelation 6:9-11. THIS IS WAR!! Revelation 12:7-17. "Babylon", the "other woman of Revelation 17-18, and Isaiah 47, is different from our Mother who is parabolically described in Revelation 12. Babylon is Satan's invisible wife and the Heavenly Court finds her responsible for all the bloodshed caused in the earth. Out of madness she thought to destroy all of our Mother's children because God planned to destroy all of them in accordance with the original Heavenly Court Verdict. And it was Mother who demanded our Father to "cast out that bond woman and her sons. They shall not be heirs with me and my children". Do you remember where and what the occasion was in which you first read or heard those words?! Now you know who first said them and to whom. Abraham and Sarah and Hagar and Ishmael were "actors" whom God used to tell the story of what happened in the real beginning in Heaven prior to Lucifer's fall and Babylon's fall. Helen, I cannot be content in this place. But your Father made ME a JUDGE, and a JUDGE of devils I am. And I find only demons worthy of erasing by fire and by fire they shall be erased!! It is my pleasure! Pardon me if I sound like YOUR MOTHER! She gets in me all the time!

LOVE to you and ALL, Brother John

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