We Are Built On the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Ephesians 2:20-22

The Word of God is two edged both against the powers of darkness and for the children of God (men) Hebrews 4:12. Examining the salvation edge for men, we find that the whole written record from Enoch to what I have written to you contains both covenants more or less. The dark part of the word is hidden truths in parables ("living or acted" and worded), Psalm 78:1-5. This is the Old Covenant. The light is the New Covenant meaning those same old covenant parables illuminated. Christ desired that we should lake the illumination which is the truth God desires. Luke 11:33-36; I Corinthians 13:8-12. Even the "burning smoking furnace" (Old Covenant) had enough red hot glow that could be observed when the smoke cleared (veil, Isaiah 25:7, Song of Solomon 5:7, II Corinthians 3:12-16). We have already proven Enoch and Secrets, that Enoch was given first and lust knowledge both in parables and plain light, Enoch 60:11. Michael also showed Moses what is first and last, but this was almost altogether in parables, Jubilees 2:26,27. Now we will look at the Testimony of the Patriarchs who came in the "midst" between Enoch and Moses. We will show how they had a mixture of more light than dark parables and that the twelve disciples held an analogous position between Jesus Christ and the illuminations of Pravuil the Holy Ghost. Also we will compare what the Patriarchs wrote with the concepts the angels had me write down for you in this letter series. In addition you might compare and contrast what you teach as doctrine on the points dealt with to determine if it is the true Sword or a broken stick, Psalm 119:102-105; Proverbs 3:5-7, 16:25; Ephesians 2:20-22; James 1:22-25.


(from " The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of O.T.", by R. H. Charles)

3:1-4,7,8,12-- Here Reuben tells us devils' powers against the weakness of flesh. We have written to you in great detail concerning the ways demons control the physical body. In verse 12, we see demons powers to plague the mind with memory scenes. Jeremiah 10:23; Ezekiel 8:3-12; Micah 2:1-7; I Corinthians 6:19.

4:3,4 --Here is an enactment of the work of demons during lying stages. This is the familiar spirit routine. God forgives and forgets and will not do such evil, Testament of Asher 6:4-6, Isaiah 43:25; James 1:13, 4:6-8. Here is an expression of Proverbs 7:6-21, where "Babylon", Satan's wife, is the beginning of these works, Revelation 18:3.

Chapter 5 This is specifically against female demons only! Men fail to understand this in times past. Devils taught our sisters to decorate their faces for sex appeal and send men "girl watching". In this way "sirens" lured male demons who were in our brethren into fornication with our sisters. In this way sirens were able to draw male demons who would not leave the men's bodies who feared losing their "holds" to other devils. Enoch 19:2,3, 8:1.


3:1-3 --This is because the demon cannot enter except when we trespass. Of course when devils hate the man they teach us to envy, nothing will satisfy the devils but that man's death. Hebrews 2:14-15.

4:6.7 --This is put in this way in accordance with truth. At one time before God decided on making children from His body and Wisdom's body, we were altogether in Him and Mother Wisdom. Therefore each of us was a part of their body. This is the meaning of "oneness with God" as we proved in other letters, Psalm 87; Matthew 22:37-40.

4:8,9; 5:1 --This confirms what we wrote, that devils cause body harm by troubling the mind with their words. Scientists call these psycho -somatic disorders. Some common ones are "nervous break- downs" ulcers from worry, nervous tension, high blood pressure aggravation due to worry, Psalm 39:1-11 (where Satan is the accuser, Behe-MOTH in verse 11).

6:6 --This expresses that devils will all be underneath our feet especially when we enter heaven, and also that we will have power over them, Psalm 149:5-9.


3:10 --Ignorance of the things of God belonging to our peace aids Satan in corrupting men, Secrets 30:14-16.

Chapter 8 --When God ordained me, this same thing was done to me in vision as well as in a real sense. I could feel the sensation of hands on me even as Aaron was dressed by Moses. Paul also was caught up to Paradise, and Jesus personally washed his disciples' feet, laid hands on them and breathed upon them. This is the Spiritual anointing by God according to the way He does it. Men are not needed in this as Moses was needed to "act it" with Aaron. Hebrews 5:1-5.

10:3 --This is the removal of the "veil" to uncover sins of ignorance in the churches, John 15:22-25.

14:4 --Here Levi prophesies of the ministry saying that it would be corrupted by commandments from the ministers and not God. Christ upbraided the Pharisees for their traditions, and Pravuil had to upbraid you for changing God's ordered day of rest (Saturday) for your own shoes (Sunday) and also for the Satanic religious holidays that we wrote against (Easter and Christmas). I Samuel 15:22-26; Isaiah 56, 58:13-14; Matthew 15:3-9.

15:1 --The temple of importance here is the body. It shall meet the grave because of deficient instruction in truth, Ezekiel 18:4; I Corinthians 6:19.

16:1,2 --Make certain that you do not continually despise certain works because you were not appointed by God to understand them, II Timothy 3:16-17.


Chapters --Concerning the valor of Jacob's sons, they were expressing a spiritual thing in a carnal, natural way. This is really the valor of the archangels against devils, which we can have, Deuteronomy 32:29-30.

12:4 --Here is a living parable that "Babylon" would overcome the Jews as well as every ode else, Isaiah 51:21-23; Revelation 17:1-2,5.

13:2 --Do you think this made Paul write that bodily exercise profits little? I Timothy 4:8,

15:5,6 --This is another expression of "Babylon's" rule over her own kingdom including Satan and also over men, Revelation Chapter .

16:4 The "good wine" of Christ is the mystery you have received in this letter series, Luke 6:37-39; John 2:9-11.

Chapter 20 --Here again is an expression of Barnabas XIV:4,5 and II Hermas, The Book of Commands. In Judah 20 verses 3-5, the heart Judah is speaking of is really the familiar spirit who acts as an accusing conscience for the sake of continued sorrow and torment, John 8:41-44; Revelation 12:9-10 (Christ is blasting devils speaking through the Jews).

21:4 --This shows why Daniel and Joseph became leaders of kings through Wisdom and why the people sinned in the days of Samuel in asking for a king. True Priests made by God cannot "bow" to earthly rulers, but must continually exalt God's righteousness. Hosea 13:9-11.

21:6-8 --Here is the condition of all men of flesh and blood. Revelation 17:15.

Chapter 22 --This division is for the purpose of removing devils from the body, and it expresses Gabriel's original commandment. Enoch 10:9-11, (Matthew 10:34-39 where devils did not want to leave our bodies) Luke 17:34-37 where Michael throws devils out anyway and takes us home at death.

23:5 --Here is an expression of John 8:30-36.

25:3,4 --Expresses eternal death in the lake of fire for devils. But men who die in sorrow and the martyrs of God go to heaven. Hebrews 12:22-24.


Chapters 4-6 --These chapters express that each man should dwell alone in his body and be free of possessing evil spirits, their ways and thoughts, Luke 11:24-26,34-36, Gospel of Thomas (Hennecke, Vol. 1) #49.


1:3,4 --Jacob's flocks paired and became pregnant (fruitful) before the rods. This is a parable where the children of God are the sheep, who bring forth fruit of righteousness when in the presence of the "True Rod", Christ, Psalm 23:4; Isaiah 11:1-4; Jeremiah 23:3-6; Ezekiel 20:35-38, 34:31.

9:1-4 --Satan will divide the body of Christ (church) into many streams (demoninations with small portions of truth), Matthew 12:25-26; I Corinthians 12:12-27.

9:7 --Zebulun testified that books of trespass are not recorded against mankind because God knew that devils are the source of evils. How far have we strayed in the doctrines we hold today! Isaiah 53:5-6; John 9:4; II Corinthians 5:18-19; Ephesians 6:12.

9:8 --(right column) God redeems all men from satanic captivity and this includes all men playing roles of gentiles, I Timothy 2:3-6; II Timothy 2:26.


1:6-8, Chapters 2-4 --Evil spirits lead us by acting as our thoughts. But we should not claim those thoughts as our own even if the voice sounds like ours. Devils are better than the best ventriloquists, Proverbs 16:1; Jeremiah 10:23 (if it is good) Matthew 15:17-20 (where defilement is the thought suggestion from the heart of the devil) II Hermas or Commands.

4:5,6 --Worldly possessions are not to be sought after with heart deep passion nor to be lusted after, II Kings 5:26; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Matthew 6:19-21; I Corinthians 7:29-31; I John 2:15-17.

4:7 --Continued agreement with demons causes the guardian angels to want to leave and if they do, demons completely over-run the man, III Baruch 12,13; Hebrews 12:1; Genesis 6:3.

5:5-8 --Men in the ministry are in great danger because evil spirits work overtime to deceive them in doctrine and service. Such faulty leadership is blind men leading blind people and both fall. Where this fits is the church of Sardis, but it applies to all men since demons sit in the temple of man's body, Luke 16:10-14; Revelation 3:1-6, Testament of Levi 5:6, Israel is all princes (men) of God I Corinthians 6:l9,20.

5:9 --When men die and return to God, they go to God's true sanctuary which is heaven. Notice that there was no temple in the earth when Dan said this, Exodus 26:30; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Hebrews 12:22-24.

5:10,11 --Salvation is coming through the left and right hands of the Father, Pravuil and Jesus Christ, who signifies the tribe of Judah. Michael, Wisdom's right hand will stand up for all possessed children of men at death, Daniel 12:1-3. And Pravuil and Gabriel, equal left hands, will judge devils only! John 16:7-11.

5:12,13 --This is fulfilled in heaven, the land of Israel meaning the princes of God, Isaiah 11:1-9; John 18:36; Revelation 21:3-4.

6:1-5 --From III Baruch we find that Michael intercesses for all men (Israel) and the Priesthood of Jesus is patterned after Michael's. But the "eyes" in their wings work (watch) with them as secondary intercessors. These are our brethren. Notice in III Baruch that the "flowers" (sweet-smelling) signifies incense, and the transformed angels (people) carried them, Luke 20:34-36, III Baruch chap. 11-13, Psalm 110:4; Isaiah 61:6; Ezekiel 1:18; Revelation 4:8-10.


2:1-5 --Here the parable to be used later in reference to the body, potters vessel, is side by side with its key meaning of light, the body. There is a distinct difference between the clay vessel and the image (son) of God which is spirit, Isaiah 45:9-12; Romans 9:19-27.

2:7 --There are two worlds in this place, two types of kingdoms, two types of conditions, the true hell and the likeness of paradise, our solid earth. God divided light (His sons) from darkness (the "men of sin" born down here). We are created with a true nature and personality image of God, but devils who corrupt us are altogether different in their personality and ways, Genesis 1:3-5; John 12:35-36; Ephesians 6:12, Enoch 15:8-12.

3:3 --We also said that a demon is the meaning of an idol god which is the demon's parable. Devils corrupted Noah's sons soon after the flood, Secrets 26, Ezekiel 28:13; Daniel 2:31-35; Revelation 18:1-2,21,24.

Chapter 6 --This is the story of satanic division (denominationalism) and shows the breach in the brotherhood of mankind. Notice how Jacob acted this out when he met Esau (a living parable to reflect Satan) and how Christ (representing the Father) showed the peace to come, Matthew 7:26-27, 12:28; Revelation 12:15-17, Genesis chapter 32, Zechariah 11:7-17; Matthew 8:23-27.

8:7,9,10 --We have expressed the double nature of the Word of God as it applies to the kingdom of men and the kingdom of devils. Misapplication of the Word coupled with a failure to recognize its dual nature has resulted in the gospel and doctrine of death and condemnation (which applies to devils), men apply to men. Devils deceived the churches of today, Daniel 7:21-22; John 16:8,11; II Corinthians 3:7-12; I Timothy 4:1-2; Hebrews 4:12.


1:9 --Gad recognized that devils possess men in trespasses, and he expressed it in the same way as Jesus did. He said it bluntly and without parable, Matthew 12:43-45; John 8:31-35.

4:6 --Here Gad expresses that love of God is not to destroy men's lives even those who die in sins, but the hatred of "Babylon" who is Leviathan (HATAN -LEVI) source of the gospel of condemnation of men. Here Gad expresses the love that agrees with Solomon, Hosea, Christ, and Paul, Song of Solomon 8:5,6, Hosea 13:12-14; Matthew 5:44; Luke 9:51-56; Romans 12:20-21; Ephesians 6:12.

4:7 --Gad tells us the Spirit of God works only for the salvation of men. Now what spirit is working in the churches and in the world ministry? II Corinthians 5:18-19, 11:12-15; I Timothy 2:3-6; Hebrews 5:1-4.

5:1 --Here Gad tells us devils can make us think condemnatio of men is glorious doctrine, but Isaiah said this is "bitter", like the gall of crucifixion Psalm 69:2; Isaiah 5:4,20-23; Ezekiel 4:13; Daniel 7:21-22; Hosea 9:3-6; II Corinthians 3:9-12.

5:3-6 --This expresses that we should not speak evil of our brother. It is the same doctrine as that of James and John. Now you know the source of doctrines teaching that certain races, groups, or men cannot be saved. Those whom God has not taught to understand the intricacies of His Book should not teach such things! James 4:11-12; I John 4:17-20.

5:10 --Here Gad tells us that Satan is the source of trespass in man, and he is also the source of punishment. Isaiah expressed that demons will judge us for the evils they force on us, Isaiah 10:5-7,14,17, Enoch 46:4-8, Genesis 15:13-14; Daniel 8:9-13.


Chapter 1 --The two ways are a result of two-fold instruction by the voices we hear, of demons and of angels! These things were expressed as the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil to Adam and Eve, Enoch 91:4-8, 94:1-6, Jeremiah 51:21; Matthew 12:43-45 (a man's body is both house and horse for demons).

Chapter 2 --This chapter expresses how devils can take advantage of what appears to be good and yet do evil. Look at how Israel presumed to fight Amelek after finding out they had sinned in being afraid, Numbers 14:40-45. Here this signifies the churches trying to fight Satan in their own way and not according to God's methodology. The gospel and ministration of condemnation and death speaks evil of God and lies about His judgment. So many ministers thinking to do good are actually doing evil and do not know it, Hosea 9:7-8; Romans 1:5-8; Wisdom 2:10-20.

Chapters 3-4 --Asher mentions here some things that vexed James, James 3:8-12.

5:3 --Notice how he bares witness that death is the means by which we enter heaven to live eternally, Ecclesiastes 4:1-3, 12:7; John 12:24, Secrets 23:3-5.

6:1,2 --This is what Enoch meant in chapter . It means that the demons would also have the men they possess doing what they do. Notice also that Asher says demons are the real culprits who originate evil, Romans 1:20-32.

6:4-6 This word is fulfilled every day of our lives because as soon as we are born, we draw closer to our end. Devils are cast out by truth as a man serves God in this life. If a man does not serve Cod and remains possessed, in the process of death devils are expelled. They may fight to get back in, but then Michael will have stood up. Christ's word in Luke is a parable, and demons will see the kingdom only at the specified time, II . Then all devils will see us in glory, Psalm 90:4-12; Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 16:22-26, 17:34-37.


Chapter 1 --Notice how Christ tells us the testimony of Joseph in Matthew 25:33-40 where the sheep are men and the "scapegoats" are devils. Just as Joseph loved his brethren still, Jesus loves all men and will save them even as did Joseph (including all Egypt (Gentiles), Luke 2:10,14, 23:34.

17:2 --This is another way of refraining to speak evil of the brethren for in reality we are slaves of devils, and when sin erupts, it is demons in men doing the works, Luke 20:9-18; John 9:4; Ephesians 6:12.

17:8 --Here Joseph acts differently from some ministers today who are puffed up by pride and ignorance and act as Lord's over the children of God in their congregations, Matthew 20:25-27; I Peter 5:14.

18:2,3 --Here Joseph shows God's personality in him even as Christ did, Matthew 5:44.

20:1,2 --This reechoes that only demons will be in hell with Satan when God finally removes all men. Removal of Joseph's bones signified the final resurrection rather than what the Egyptian people feared, Testament of Simeon 8:4, Jeremiah 23:30. Do not think devils could not echo their fears through the magicians, Isaiah 34:5-15; Jeremiah 51:42-44; Ezekiel 37:1-12; I Thessalonians 4:13-18, II .


3:8 --Jacob is not wrong in saying the prophecy of salvation would come to Joseph. Christ firstly as a Prophet acted the role of the Holy Ghost by healing and saving the flesh. Pravuil's word through elect men would be despised for the doctrine of condemnation pushed by devils. Thus, he would be sold spiritually, but he saves and heals our spirits, Isaiah 49:6-12; Ephesians 6:15 (we walked in the ways possessing devils taught us, Isaiah 53:6).

4:2-3 --Here again we see Christ in Joseph. Romans 5:6, 12:20-21.

6:4 --This expresses Matthew 5:44-48; Luke 16:15; John 5:44.

Chapter 1 --This is similar to Phanuel to Hermas on the workings of devils, but on the whole it is what was told John in the Revelation, Revelation 18:2-3,24.

Chapter 8 --This expresses the word of Christ on lust of the mind. Almost all marriages were in some way influenced by devils concerning the subject of sex, Matthew 5:27-28, 10:5-6 Because the twelve were not learned men, Christ had to teach them the words which the Pharisees held. Pravuil also taught them the salvation of the gentiles, Luke 24:45; John 6:7; Acts 10:9-20; Revelation 5:5-7.

11:3-5 --This witness is the same as that of Ezra in II Esdras, because Jews do not praise Jesus Christ, Genesis 49:8; II Esdras 1:33-40.

Thus, we see that the Twelve Patriarchs were given a mixture in their own "midst", more light than parable. They wrote many of the same things I have written to you and were not ashamed to teach against Satan. Many of you might have first thought erringly that my work is "demonology". Some in the religious world think of demonology as something undesirable and under the influence of Satan. The truth is that their thoughts are under the influence of demons who do not want to be discovered. All the true men of God were not ashamed of exposing satanic devices and his ways and means of trapping mankind. In truth I can say the real soldiers who fight God's way died out and most ministers today themselves are captives and use a broken, dry stick to fight devils. If this were natural warfare, the leaders would know every possible habit, plan, and fighting style of the enemy. It is silly to think that in spiritual warfare that we should know as little about the enemy as possible, especially how he traps men. If you read the works Satan caused to be excluded you will find more often than not that they exposed him, attacked him, and taught remedies against his techniques. Those who like to cry "demonology" to slander such writings are not God's soldiers, but pawns used to maintain devils' deceitful control, Daniel 7:21-22; Romans 6:13. Thus they become vocal hindrances as weapons in Satan's army, Jeremiah 51:20-23; Zechariah 3:1-7.

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