Thoughts About the Lost Books

It was necessary to write to you in the manner in which the papers appear because of the wiles of Satan in generating offense, I Corinthians 10:32-33; James 3:18. Nevertheless, the devil is warring against my flesh and spirit in an effort to make mistakes appear that you might hear his voice say that these works are not a product of the Holy Ghost. I must confess the nature of my battle. I am able to hear the Spirit of God as well as the voices of evil spirits, Isaiah 30:20-21, Barnabas XIV:3,4. Because the Spirit of God moves quickly, I must write speedily, and the devil tries to detract my concentration by yelling the wrong scriptures and using his power to cause me to instantly forget what God tells me as fast as He speaks. You might have detected this already. My situation is not strange because this is Egypt all over again, Exodus 1:15-17, 4:24; I Samuel 10:20-22; Isaiah 48:10; Zechariah 3:1; Matthew 4:1-11; II Corinthians 12:7; I Peter 4:12. As Jesus told his own brethren. I now tell you to whom it concerns, John 7:7; II Corinthians 4:8-13. I had not desired to mention my afflictions to you because I am aware of the wiles of demons in generating offense. It is necessary at this time because I tried to make certain not to write a wrong reference which Satan called out but to my dismay and shock, my wife showed a few mistakes to me. Then God showed me in a dream that even though I try to concentrate consciously, I need to re-edit the works, because this is the nature of my battle with the powers of darkness. Let the spirit of peace reign in your hearts and indeed bare with me in my infirmity. Nevertheless, we shall continually strive for perfection.

Remember, brethren, that the devil is dedicated in destroying all truth, Isaiah 59:11-17; Daniel 7:21-22, 8:9-12. Therefore, he caused the Jews to err, that the land of Israel might be destroyed and the writings of God burned. When men in the Middle Ages discovered them, Satan made certain that the books were discredited which denounced him, exposed his crime, named his punishment, and expressed the peace and glory God gave to all men. These devils are proud, preeminent, desirous of power, and vindictive. Such personalities cannot stand men mocking them for their extreme foolishness and great love for evil. All works of God which showed men their glory were destroyed by Satan so that we might be in torment like his kingdom. They see food and drink, but they cannot consume it. They cannot sit or hold anything, because they go through everything. Their throne on which they sit is the dust of the earth (bodies of men and animals), as it is written, , and when they possess men. Therefore, Satan greatly desired that you should be ignorant of his predicament, lest you should teach truth, and men should mock him and his foolish arrogance. Glorify God for truth. Gentlemen, we can be separate from demons because time is almost out, and we are "down to the toes", Jeremiah 18:1-6; Daniel 2:42-45. God desires that you should obtain a copy of the APOCRYPHA OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, published by Thomas Nelson or THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE AND THE FORGOTTEN BOOKS OF EDEN, published by the World Publishing Company. You may find the first reference in a public library, but by all means obtain one or the other. This paper contains references from those works.

Demons, who possess us, enforce satanic teachings in us that Daniel 7:21-22 might remain until the Ancient of Days comes. But we know that we can be excluded and changed from iron, that is, possessed by hardened demons, to clay, that is, having a heart of flesh, Ezekiel 36:25-26. It was first necessary for the Holy Ghost to wade in this filthy water of Satan to get us from every doctrinal hold where Satan had locked us. This is because God had made demons scapegoats long before we understood it. Therefore, He is merciful to whom he will, Romans 9:18. The anointing of Balaam, the soothsayer, shows that God will use His children wherever they are to turn the recompense of Satan on his own head, Joel 3:1-4. Washing our fleshy thoughts away was necessary, that is, casting out demons that enforce belief in lies. Soap of gentility was used, Malachi 3:1-6. If you have faithfully searched the scriptures, understood, and accepted the truths written, you are being cleaned and regenerated, Proverbs 16:6; John 13:10; Titus 3:4-6. Solomon saw all this in a different way, the production of a church without spot, Song of Solomon 4:1,2, Ephesians 4:15, 5:27.

Satan's first method of fulfilling Daniel 7:21-22 was to change the day of service which God commanded the Jews, Exodus 20:8-11; Numbers 15:14-16; Psalms 147:19-20; Malachi 3:6; John 4:21-22; Romans 3:4. Since God chose the seventh day to show lowliness and a desire not to be first, Satan chose the first day for his possessed church in accordance with his desire to be first, above all, and arrogantly preeminent. He knew that if a man preached the law and offended in one point, just one point, he is guilty of all, Romans 2:21-24; James 2:10-11. The dragon's pet lie is Acts 20:7 although he knew the disciples preached and ate seven days-a-week, Matthew 4:4; John 6:48-49. Now Jesus allowed us to see that Satan would exalt himself above and control the temple of God, Daniel 8:10-12; Matthew 4:5-6, 24:1-2; II Corinthians 11:14-15; II Thessalonians 2:3-4. Therefore, this seminary business which Satan originated with the Jews fulfilled his boast, Isaiah 10:13-16; Matthew 4:5-6, 5:20, 23:15. Now you see who worked in the Jews' religion, and who has most ministers in the world today in captivity on this point, Matthew 5:19; Mark 8:38; John 8:31-32,36; Romans 3:9-19,23; Ephesians 6:12; II Esdras 5:42. We are justified since the true 7th Day is yet to come Isaiah 53:11; John 5:10-17, 7:24; II Peter 3:8.

When Christ came, he prepared the way for the Holy Ghost and established the true priesthood in our minds by opening our understanding with the keys to the kingdom, Isaiah 29:9-14; Luke 24:32; Revelation 3:7, 5:4-5. Under the shepherding of the Spirit, these scriptures are fulfilled inasmuch as he is the covenant also, Isaiah 49:6, 54:13, 55:4; Jeremiah 31:31-34; I John 2:27-28. Moses also showed the Jews the teaching technic of the Holy Ghost, but it was hidden in the parable of dwelling in booths, Leviticus 23:33-43; Nehemiah 8:16-17. The symbol of the Holy Ghost is a ram in a bush, Genesis 22:13; Exodus 3:3-5; Acts 2:3-4. We also are parabolized as bushes or low trees, Isaiah 61:3; Ezekiel 17:5-6,8,24; Matthew 21:5-8. The passages in Leviticus and Nehemiah tell us that under the ministration of the Holy Ghost it would be revealed that a man's body is the temple of God, which is why each man dwelt in a booth during the feast of tabernacles. (It also reveals that we as spirits in Heaven must dwell in earthly men as their consciences). The fact that we are parabolized as low trees or bushes like the Holy Ghost tells us that, the Holy Spirit dwells in the body, I Corinthians 3:16-17. Demons trying to play God have defiled the temple of the body, Matthew 12:43-45, 15:11; II Thessalonians 2:3-4. If a man is strong and not a babe needing a shepherd, he can see, then it is not needful for him to worship in the traditional sense in a congregation. It is written, John 4:23-24, 14:10; Hebrews 4:4-10, Barnabas 13:18-24. It is not needful for the spiritual man to worship in a congregation of babes as it is written of the prophets of the Holy Ghost who separated themselves, I Samuel 19:20,24; II Kings 4:38; Ezekiel 11:16; Matthew 18:20; Luke 1:57,80. Traditional worship has served Satan as a means of over-spreading his floods over the masses, Daniel 9:27; Revelation 12:15.

Satan knew that all men were God's children, but he preached lies to us through possessed men. Satan's preaching had a double purpose, the last of which was to keep every newborn demon from hearing the truth. He desired an equal opportunity to deceive his own demons, lest they should hear the truth, repent, and be saved. So God allowed Satan to work similar signs in competition with Moses. Here the competition was not for God's own sons whom the devil knew he could not take, but for the demons in them. Salvation was offered to Satan's possessing demons in this wise, Numbers 14:26-32; Deuteronomy 10:16, 29:4; Psalms 26:5. And God grew weary of trying to save the demons because they continually provoked him at Satan's instructions. Thereafter, each time when Cod would work miracles through his prophets, Satan would challenge to compete with the men of God in order to secure his rule over his demonic children, Luke 19:12-21; Revelation 11:7-8. Thus, salvation has been offered to each succeeding wave of newborn demons in every generation, Deuteronomy 30:16-20; Matthew 13:27-30; Luke 13:25-30; John 3:14-15; Romans 1:25. The creature here is Satan whom they chose before God as their ruler. Therefore, the spirit said through Moses and Joshua, choose ye this day whom ye shall serve, and I have set before you life and death. Nevertheless, each crop of demonic tares chose to go possessing with their father, Satan. To them Jesus said, Matthew 10:37-39. Jesus showed the demons his coming judgment against them if they (the citizens) refused to repent, Luke 9:56, 20:13-16; John 5:22, 8:15. This is the typical demonic answer, Isaiah 48:3-8; Matthew 12:24-28.

All men have been possessed and persecuted by demons, and most men have carried a cross for Cod although they did not know it, Psalms 44:22; Matthew 7:21; Mark 9:1; Romans 8:20-21, 9:15-19. So every man who was brought down from heaven by Mother Jerusalem and clothed with flesh has carried a cross even though he was ignorant of it. His crown of thorns has been invisible evil spirits which stood on his head, II Samuel 23:6-7. The piercing of his hands and feet was by demons who packed inside his body and wrecked it, Jeremiah 51:35. Most men being ignorant of these things have not said a mumbling word against Satan as he crucified them, even as Christ, Isaiah 10:13-14, 53:7. Some men have received grace in this life by virtue of ignorance, John 9:41. Evangelism of lies by possessed ministers served Satan's purpose to give men just enough truth mixed with lies to undo the protection under, John 9:41. Spreading of the gospel of truth is done by the angels by way of the mind and by men anointed by the Holy Ghost when he wants them to preach, Daniel 9:25; Zechariah 1:20-21, 4:6; Revelation 14:6-7. Your world evangelism had been a device by Satan to spread the lies which you once preached, Daniel 7:2, 9:27; Matthew 23:13,15l,22. It was given to men one time to die, and Christ died for us for the second death that we might live to judge demons, II Corinthians 5:14-15; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 6:9-11, 20:4; II Esdras 7:29,31,33. It was God's will that we should perish, that is, our bodies, that we might live in glory. Ezekiel 18:4; Matthew 18:11-14, l6:24,25, Mark 9:1; Luke 15:20,24; John 12:24; II Corinthians 5:1-8,14,18-19.

The resurrection body is different from the natural body and its flesh, Luke 17:21; Romans 8:18-19; I Corinthians 15:42-44; II Corinthians 3:7,18, 5:2-4; Hebrews 2:6-7. What is the power of the resurrection body mentioned by Paul? Luke 17:20; I Corinthians 15:34-38; Philippians 3:9-10. You can see from this that demons could not see the spirits of men in the bodies they possessed nor the transformation of the spirit in resurrection as it is written, John 2:19; I Corinthians 3:16-17. Now resurrection of spirits began when God transformed Abel. So you see, we who are alive down here do not prevent the sleeping spirits from being transformed and raised, Matthew 19:26; Mark 4:24; Luke 12:25-26. Just to vex the demons and to fulfill the word to Baruch and to witness before men, God let visions of spirits and their transformed bodies be seen, Jeremiah 8:20; 50:3,4, 51:1-6, Wisdom 3:2-8, 5:1-13. You can see how the strange work of Christ's resurrection astounded the demons who echoed their fears through the mouth of Hymenaeus and Philetus, II Timothy 2:17-18. The first resurrection then covers a period from the rising of Abel to the coming of Christ. Please do not confuse the final resurrection of men in the end with the resurrection of the spirit, which has been going on since Abel. The power of the resurrection body was demonstrated by Christ. It can be invisible or appear; it can go through solid material; it can be like wind or feelable; it can shine with glory or be turned down so men can see it easily, and it can move faster than lightning in flight. The nature of angels and the accounts of the resurrected Christ throughout the scriptures have taught us this, Isaiah 8:30; Luke 20:35-36; I Corinthians 2:14.

There is not a demon Mark 9:1 who has suffered the chastisement of death, but their lives have been saved so that they all might be damned, Ecclesiastes 3:21; Matthew 12:43; John 6:70, 21:20-23. Judas was a parable of the strange work of God. He would "raise" all kinds of flesh upon Satan and all demons since they stole it Isaiah 13:12-13,19-22, 28:21, 34:8-16; Jeremiah 51:42-43; I Corinthians 15:39; Revelation 18:2. By this we mean that God will allow demons to possess the animals and men, Matthew 12:43-45; Revelation 12:12. This way demons tried to satisfy their lust for food and drink. With food denied them, they take vengeance on men. Demons heard prophets discuss death in the prophets' lifetime, so now you know the origin of the lie about reincarnation happening to men. The demons bound in their various animal flesh will eat each other, but others rein inside man, as it is written, Isaiah 34:1-8; Ezekiel 28:9-10, 38:21; Revelation 9:17-18,21, 20:1. Among demons are their own princes, kings, and rulers, Ephesians 6:12, but the flesh to be raised on them is after this judgment, Wisdom 11:15-19. Demons offended both man and animal. Therefore their judgment is written in that manner, Joel 3:4. This does constitute the first death for all demons technically speaking. The second resurrection occurs when God drops devils as fast as men die in execution of individual judgment and in final judgment in the END, Revelation 20:5. God will do this...and the saints will have the honor of casting demons in the lake of fire, because it is too difficult for us to take something that deserves mercy and kill it while it begs for mercy, Psalms 149:5-9; Isaiah 13:1-5; Matthew 13:40-42; Revelation 20:6-10. However demons are non-living "tools" fit to be "trashed". Therefore demons only are damned, Isaiah 13:12; Micah 7:18-20; Wisdom 6:16.

Brethren, I was exceedingly pleased to read the New Testament Apocrypha. All the works are beautiful. It was with little wonder that 1 understood why Satan wanted Mary, Protevangelion, and Infancy out of circulation. Those books show the extremes God went to impress demons that Christ was His Son. My conclusion is that Satan and "Babylon" and that wicked family are the most stupid, abominable, hard-hearted fools not even fit to be called an animal. Such reproach Satan did not want men to cast in his face because he is exceedingly proud and arrogant. Now that I have read those works I hate Satan and "Babylon" with an indescribable hatred. But I have some points in the writing which are of interest to discuss with you:

1) Nicodemus. There is a parabolic account of a vision which the two resurrected saints wrote, chapters . I hope that your understanding of heaven, and hell (which is this earth where you and I reside, and these evil spirits await punishment, Revelation 12:9) will be fruitful as you read. If not, the parable scene is the earth, and the conversations of the men took place in their lifetimes down here. It is not possible for Satan to enter into the chambers in heaven to vex the "spirits" of men there, Revelation 12:7-8. The conversations between the saints of widespread generations did indeed occur because God made some watchers, and they do observe and judge our activities and those of the fallen angels or demons, Daniel 7:22, 8:13-14; John 18:36; I Corinthians 6:2-3; Hebrews 12:1; I Peter 4:17, III Baruch chapters .

2) I Clement XII:1-7. Here the Spirit in Clement is being wise asa serpent and harmless as a dove by taking advantage of the people's superstitious belief and turning it to the glory of God. Paul also used this tactic at Mars Hill, as it is written, Matthew 10:16; Acts 17:22-31; I Corinthians 9:20-23. Actually, what grew into a myth was a parable in the Secrets of Enoch which the unlearned who received Enoch's books could not dissolve although they accepted it as truth, Secrets 12,15 and III . "Phoenix" refers to the angels as Priests who come to earth which is Sodom and Egypt, Revelation 11:8. Here they stand between the living and the dead as a sweet odor before God pleading for mercy to keep the wrath of God from destroying all of us, II Corinthians 2:14-16; Hebrews 5:5-8. When we vex the Spirit, then he leaves "tired," Genesis 6:3; Ecclesiastes 1:14; Isaiah 63:10; Ephesians 4:30. Lying demons in unlearned scholars have called this parable a myth, I Clement XXII:23. I believe the reference here is spurious Jewish history handed down by word of mouth through succeeding generations. It is contrary to the word of God given to Jeremiah 27:1-16, 37:9-10. I do not know about you, but I go with God and Jeremiah, Numbers 23:19; Malachi 3:6; James 1:13; Jude 1:4. The action of Judith's behavior is even devilish. Nebuchadnezzar or Nabuchodonosor in the Greek had a charge from God to destroy Jerusalem. He could not lose, Isaiah 8:20.

3) Barnabas. The illuminations he gave by the Holy Ghost are a different kind of spice than what the same spirit had me write in some of the letters. But they are all true, Hebrews 4:12; II Peter 1:19-21. Be men in understanding. The light of God has many intensities as the Holy Ghost showed you with another interpretation by scripture of Daniel's "ram" (refer to letter dated 11-24-71). This is not the same thing that Gabriel gave to Daniel, yet both views are scripturally sound doctrine. Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgement, Isaiah 8:20, 48:3-6; Mark 4:13; Luke 24:45; John 16:25; I Corinthians 2:7,13-16. If you have observed that the Spirit testifies precept on precept, Isaiah 28:9-12, in a rightly dividing fashion, and if you have received a spiritual ear, II Timothy 2:7, then you have become like David, Psalms 119:99; Matthew 13:16-17.

In Barnabas 3:15, being shut out of the kingdom in his lifetime means Daniel 7:21-22, 8:9-13; Luke 11:52, 17:20-21; John 8:32-36; II Timothy 2:26. Being shut out from receiving our own is being possessed by a demon, Luke 8:35-39, 11:24-26; I Corinthians 2:14-16. In Barnabas 3:16 God forsook only the Jews' system of worship as Barnabas will explain later, and as it is written, Deuteronomy 31:24-30, 32:20-29; Isaiah 1:10-20, 29:9-14, 65:1-7; Galatians 3:22-25; Colossians 2:14-15. Because the Jews were unjust, inasmuch as their priests killed the prophets and also Jesus, God refused to give them the key of David, Isaiah 22:22, that is, knowledge of the meanings of the parables which you are receiving, Luke 11:52. Observe some of the parables David unlocked which the Jews failed to grasp and see how Enoch spoke the same words, Psalms 50:14,23, 51:16-17,19, Secrets chapters 45-46. Now observe Ecclesiasticus or Hosea 14:2; Hebrews 13:15; Sirach 35:1-13. In Barnabas 3:17, the "many" is the kingdom of demons, and the "few" are the children of men here below, II Esdras 4:30-32,48-50, 9:22, Secrets 23:3-5, Romans 8:29-39.

4) Barnabas 14:1,2, Trallians 1:17-20, Psalms 131; II Timothy 2:23-24. Spiritual matters must not be wrestled. Demons use strife to provoke God and spue poison to subvert the hearers.

5) Trallians 2:5,6. Meeting together in the presence of Godly men was good and advisable for babes in those days. At that time Satan was raping the church of God, Smyrnaens 3:5,7.

6) Ignatius to the Daniel 7:7-8; Romans 2:8; Revelation 12:9,12, Smyrnaens 2:2. Fighting with beasts is parabolic language which means our struggles with the demons in or out of possessed men. Understand what you read, Ecclesiastes 6:12, 12:7; Matthew 12:43; Luke 17:34-37.

7) Remember that Roman Catholic scholars translated the Jewish books as did the Creeks. Do not he offended at the word "saint" placed before the names of the patriarchs, nor should you be dogmatically insistent on being identified as a christian before men. All men are saints, both good and bad, Psalms 50:5; Daniel 7:21-22, 8:10-13. If you believe in Christ, you are a christian, Isaiah 29:20-21; Acts 11:26; II Timothy 2:14-15. The apostle Ignatius is insistent upon acknowledging his belief in Christ so as not to deny him in the face of persecution. This is not dogmatic hardness, but the testimony of boldness, Magnesians 3:8-12, Mark 8:38; Galatians 5:10-11.

8) Please do not be offended at usage of the word "catholic" knowing this word was in use before the Catholics attached it to themselves, Smyrnaens 3:4. It means simply something of interest to all or universal extent. The church is the body of Christ and all men are members, not just Catholics only, Isaiah 8:20; Romans 14:7-9; I Corinthians 13:4-7; II Corinthians 5:18-19; Colossians 3:11-14.

9) Hermas is beautiful. Phanuel taught him well. Both were friends of Paul, Romans 16:14.

Brethren, the "rest" of the Holy Ghost is glorious wherein a man ceases from his works. Those who have entered into his rest declare as Jesus did that it is the Father in them doing all the works, lsaiah 58:13,14, John 5:19-20, 14:10. These like the angels instantly serve God in spirit from the temple of their body, John 4:23-24; I Corinthians 1:12. We sanctify every day keeping holiness to God in His glorious rest, as it is written, Barnabas 13:6-8, and behold, all things are pure, Luke 16:10-12; John 5:18-22; I Corinthians 11:12; Titus 1:15; Hebrews 4:9-12, Barnabas 13:3-6, Isaiah 28:10-19; I Corinthians 14:13-16. The Father is actively creating a new heaven and a new earth or building up the temple, that is, saving all the children and bringing them home to teach them, Isaiah 65:17-20, Enoch 90:28-42, Isaiah 10:12; Romans 11:25-27; Revelation 21:1-3. God will rest gloriously when He has destroyed the powers of darkness. As long as Satan and God's children are together, God MUST work!

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