God and the Scientists

We have proven earlier that man cannot think. God is the source of all His thoughts which make for progress and easing our labors in this life. A "knower", or one with knowledge was prophesied to come, Genesis 5:29; Daniel 12:4; Matthew 24:36-39; Ecclesiasticus or Ecclesiasticus 14:19-21, 38:24,31,34. The knowledge we are considering is that of the scientist. These men are preoccupied with attempting to learn about this physical earth and heaven more-so than the spiritual new heaven and earth, Proverbs 17:24; Matthew 6:21,33; I Corinthians 8:1-3. What we plan to do in this letter is to show you why God had Paul write I Timothy 6:20. Some scientists have gone too far in this world and have abandoned God for the theorems of Satan, I John 4:4-5, 2:15-17. However, God has not abandoned them, Psalm 82:8, 94:8,14, Ode of Solomon 19:1-5, 8:15-22, Ezekiel 18:4, Odes 18:8, , Odes 17:11, John 5:22,27, 8:15; Romans 14:7-10 Odes 8:7-11. If God and Christ will not judge a man, what about Pravuil, the Holy Ghost? Ephesians 6:12; I John 5:7-10. Who is God, Christ and the Holy Ghost judging? John 16:7-12, Enoch 55:3,4, Isaiah 14:12,21-23, 66:5. I am getting tired of hearing your ministers whom you set up judge and condemn their brethren of flesh and blood, Matthew 7:1-5; Hebrews 5:1-4. God will undo lying doctrines demons taught you as it is written, Isaiah 28:14-19; Ezekiel 20:33-38. Demons tried to teach Christ lies, but who are you who challenge the letters of the Holy Ghost? Ezekiel 28:3-7,14; Matthew 5:5-7. Maybe you esteemed leaders are wiser than Daniel or God, Christ and the Holy Ghost, Isaiah 29:10-12,14; I Corinthians 1:20-21; Revelation 5:2-5, Odes 23:5-9, II Corinthians 12:7; II Esdras 5:11-12. Mother Jerusalem has a question for her sons among you who feel qualified to judge God's Words: "What is the water with which the Holy Ghost baptizes and what is this writer's baptism?" Matthew 21:24-25. This is that you might believe that there are two types of baptisms. If the baptism of the Holy Ghost is that from heaven and that of men like John the Baptist's, what is the "water" of the Holy Ghost? Matthew 3:10-11. Here is the answer, Isaiah 44:3-4; Hosea 6:1-3; Joel 2:28-32. You have been holding dark parables in times past. Walk in the light, and this is a commandment! Matthew 15:3-6; John 3:18-21. Get your houses in order from your own temple of your body to your church organizations! Deuteronomy 15:1-4,10-11; Proverbs 19:17; Luke 16:1-5. This is because you desired to give tithes and offerings to God not knowing how! Isaiah 58:6-11; Matthew 25:41-45. Giving to God is not as Satan taught, to go after covetousness, nor is it to give to the rich, Proverbs 22:16; Acts 11:24,27-30; II Corinthians 9:5,7-15. If you love the Holy Ghost, then walk as He teaches us to walk, Galatians 1:8-12, 6:9-10; I John 2:4-9. Do not neglect to comfort your brethren, because when they rejoice in the wine of truth, God will put all demons out, Isaiah 40:1-2; Ezekiel 35:14; Habakkuk 2:14. This last scripture is how Pravuil will baptize all men even as Christ did with His apostles Ezekiel 1:24; John 15:3,

Knowledge has been given to scientists to help make life easy for all God's children through inventions, Odes 16:18,19. But Satan has taken God's glorious understanding and turned it into contempt for the sake of possessing men's bodies for his belly's sake, Romans 7:13. Nevertheless, God has turned Satan's recompense on his own head that you might see the foolishness of scientists who reflect God's wisdom, Psalm; Ezekiel 11:21; Wisdom 11:16 of Solomon 2:29-33,(25-29) (in Pseudepigrapha), Isaiah 65:6; Ephesians 6:12. This is going to hurt demons, but let Wisdom work! Matthew 8:12; Mark 9:1; Revelation 12:7-11. Sin in the age of technology has caused God to be more merciful by giving gifts of understanding to scientists and inventors to ease man's labor in spiritual Egypt (the whole world), Romans 5:20; Revelation 11:8. And most of the advancements were given to the bloody, covetous United States where sin abounded the most, Matthew 5:43-48, 16:2-3. Religious leaders and citizens for love of real estate and a demonic lie called patriotism have done away with the commandment in the last text by their tradition, Hebrews 11:9-10,13-16. Patriotism in the spirit is not this earth where (behe-)moth (Satan,) and rust (on gold and silver) doth corrupt, but I pledge allegiance to God and Heavenly Jerusalem, Hebrews 12:22-29; James 5:1-6. Get right with Wisdom or eat gravel! Proverbs 20:1,17; Revelation 18:2-3. When you get right, letters of this caliber will stop, Psalm; Isaiah 58:1-2, Psalm of Solomon 3:8(7), 9:15.

Before you see how God has caused His natural minded sons, the scientists to glorify him without their knowledge, let us discuss abortions. Since you know Moses and the magicians parabolized the struggle of Pravuil against Satan in the last days, understand that God has allowed Satan to work deceptions in every way to test you on these two points: (a) Psalm 138:2; Isaiah 8:20, (b) Romans 4:1-3; I John 4:1-3. Science courses in public and private schools have been a convenient vehicle for devils to overspread lies and doubt concerning the Word. Births which appear as a result of rapes or fornication were to test men on his word, Exodus 1:15-16; Isaiah 43:7,21, 45:9-12. Now the Holy Ghost is warning demons whether in you or not concerning His unborn brethren. As for cases of adultery God is the one who punishes Her daughters with good, Genesis 1:28,31; Hosea 4:14; Romans 12:21. Concerning tubular pregnancies, Satan takes the small seed and forces it back up the tube where it implants itself. Here he desires to take two lives in one evil act, Isaiah 66:9, Enoch 69:11,12. If Satan can move men around bodily, how much easier is a small egg cell? Luke 4:33-35. (The Holy Ghost must cast some out of some ministers in the same way on abortions!) The tubular pregnancy is the only case where the fetus can be removed, and here Satan is responsible for working the death on the fetus and the doctor is credited with saving the Mother. Jeremiah 51:35; Luke 6:9. In a manner the child is sacrificed in the tube as Christ was on the cross. Tubular pregnancies are the most hideous that Satan engineers. It is a case where the "Zygote" is already doomed to death and the mother also if the pregnancy progresses. It is not desirable that Satan should kill two, but if it is possible save one life. There are cases where God told prophets to take men's lives and this is just another case where Satan is so low in filth that he makes the fetus a slow killer, Romans 7:13.

Since God is first and last, and both greatest and the least, and also the beginning and ending, we will deal directly with scientific "truths" and theories from the greatest to the least to see how God takes the wise in their craftiness, Job 5:12-14; Isaiah 42:14-16, 48:2-4; Revelation 1:8,17. First we will deal with the "first and great", that is the constellations. The main theory here is that the nine planets and the stars broke off from the sun which is the source of all things and the universe revolves around it. There are also planetoids. The scriptures which will explain the ignorance of scientists who reject God are these, Psalm 19:1-5, Enoch chapter 43. The sun is God's parabolic symbol; the nine planets symbolize the Sons from Michael to Christ; the major planetoids signify Adam, Judah, and Joseph; the stars in the galaxies represent God's children in all their orders. There is also the theory that matter can neither be created nor destroyed but converted into energy. Here the spirit of life which is God was not created nor can He or His children be destroyed, but the children can be transformed into the glory of the angels, Secrets 33:4, Odes of Solomon, 8:11-22, 9:2,3,12,13, Psalm 87:2-6, Enoch chapter 44 (energy). The sun is the first and the universe is the great part with which science deals, yet they fail to recognize this relationship to God because all created things in some way express God's glory, Isaiah 44:20. Now we will consider the least thing in the universe, an atom. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons as the major portion and around it revolve the electrons in their respective orbits. The first orbit has two electrons when complete; the second has eight, the third has eighteen, and they continue. Spiritually the protons represent God and the neutrons Jerusalem. The two anointed which speak on behalf of God, Jesus Christ and Pravuil, the Holy Ghost are closest to the throne. They are on the right and left of God's throne Zechariah 4:2-3. Pravuil is aided by the seven archangels who work for Mother Wisdom in this earth and they make eight powerful priests working against the enemy, Micah 5:5. The third orbit with eighteen electrons signify the Priesthood (the ten) compete under the Old Covenant because they justified all who came before its close and the eight Priests still working to bring us into the bonds of the New. The third orbit represents today. So God's glory is also expressed in the least thing He created as well as in the greatness of the universe, but scientist rejecting God fail to see this. Secrets XXX:12,13 (LBB).

We have not dealt with "the middle" or the "scientific truths" between the universe and the atom, but there are factors in the middle that express God's truth. In the past we have mentioned the influence of the moon on the tide and also a woman's menstrual cycle. It is that the tide of men are pulled by Wisdom, and the floods of the red sea are held back during pregnancy so that the child of God might pass through. Science also theorized that at one time water covered the earth in an "ice-age," but we know of the flood and the waters were gathered into the abysses, Jubilees 5:29-31. The abysses of the earth are "the deep" oceans as opposed to the heights of the continents. The polar ice caps are a result of God's judgment against demons who possessed our brethren before the flood, Enoch 67:11-13. Here the "ascending" angels are the men who were purged of demons, John 3:13; Hebrews 12:22-24, Enoch 10:21,22, Secrets 49:2, Psalm 87:2-6. Only demons that Satan puts in our bodies are left here "bound" for the judgment of Pravuil, the Elect One, Enoch 15:8-11, 10:11-16. Gravity keeps all matter down, and so, demons are effectively bound by the command of God below the water gates of the first heaven (parabolic Euphrates), Matthew 13:30; Revelation 12:7-9, 20:1-2. When a demon is cast out of a man he either falls or flies in the "bottomless pit". Science has proven that everything revolves around the natural sun in a circle. Up is always a circle and what goes up comes down. So demons fall in a circle in this world, but they have caused men to waste great sums of money on space flights which can only make circles in God's firmament. Satan is wasting man's money for nothing and he has wise scientists going around in circles like Pavlov's dog, II Peter 2:22. We mentioned too, that the four seasons signified the times when the four archangels rotated their high Priesthood.

Science has only come up with few successful heart transplants and a few pregnancies in mankind as a result of artificial insemination. God allowed these to be successful to test you men of God on belief in His truth, that He alone is capable of sustaining and creating life. Today the Holy Ghost is that Prophet (analogous to Aaron). God is controlling and Satan perverts through scientists, . Scientists are analogous to the magicians of Egypt, II Timothy 3:7-8. Moses and Pharaoh only prophesied of the days of the Holy Ghost, when He would order the children of God from Satan (Pharaoh) in spiritual Egypt (this earth). Let these sayings sink down and get back on the Word, Psalm 138:2. You are being tried for Placement of the Children of God, Revelation 3:1-4,11.

God has allowed certain other phenomena to occur which has astounded naturally minded men just to show His hand to the wise and to convince demons of their folly. Let us take the news story some months ago of a man who fell from a ten-story building down to the concrete below. He was not expected to live and if the miracle occurred he would be a vegetable because of a scrambled brain God sent the man home from the hospital in his right mind and walking. Science called it a phenomenon, but the man of God knows the spirit is the source of man's normal behavior not the brain of flesh. Science is astounded often when God supports the truth of His Word because they reject it. Just as the magicians of Pharaoh were allowed to work certain phenomena for which they found no remedies even so God has permitted scientists to perform a few today. For instance the nuclear reaction does destroy matter and scientists cannot account for the loss of that matter in terms of energy conversion. This is specifically a message to demons to show them that this earth can be destroyed and also their spirits. So demons have started calling for peace and safety through the world leaders they possess, I Thessalonians 5:1-6. I am sure you can recall many more instances in which God has allowed certain natural phenomena, such as flying saucers to occur to test our faith in the truth. Satan has made matter into serpents by casting down his rod before the eyes of unbelieving men, Revelation 13:13-14. Of course this is nothing new when we consider what God let Satan do to test Job's righteousness, Job 1:12,16,18-19, 2:7.

Gentlemen, get your minds right with the Holy Ghost and your eyes out of the newspapers and away from science, Proverbs 17:24; Luke 13:1-5 (Some of your sermons are terrible), Isaiah 26:2-4, 33:13-20, 40:1-2; Hebrews 12:22-24. Blessed is he that blesses and cursed are the demons who have tried to put the curse on men (Israel). Seek profit from the story of brother Balaam who is blessed, Romans 15:4. All men are princes of God as you well know, not Jews only. Do not continue to preach devilish doctrine for the devil to curse your brethren of flesh and blood for whom Christ died, Romans 14:4,7-10; II Corinthians 5:17-19, Odes 8:11-26, Psalm 49:20; Ecclesiastes 3:21; Isaiah 42:6-8, 43:7-9. Because Satan held men (scholars and teachers) of the past in veiled darkness while he wrongly divided the scriptures, most church doctrines are polluted bread, Ezekiel 4:12-13. Demons have polluted the holy things of God, Matthew 4:5-6; II Corinthians 6:16-18, Odes 18:8, Isaiah 28:16-19; Ezekiel 20:33,37-38. Most of you men know that men taught you and you were not called by God. I would suggest that you now preach God's doctrine of mercy and forgiveness, Isaiah 54:7-13; Luke 17:26-30. Put down Satan's evil good news (gospel) of condemnation John 4:22-26; II Corinthians 3:8-12. Stop being angry and hurt because God is saving all His children by His righteousness, Isaiah 29:24, 52:15; Romans 3:3-7,23-26; I Timothy 3:16; Revelation 10:7. Now honor God in truth because you are presenting yourself before Him as did Cain and Abel for the purpose of "Placement", Genesis 4:3-5. Here the fruit of the ground is the evil works and doctrine of Satan, the dust of heaven, and the firstling of the flock is the body of Christ. John 6:51-57; Revelation 5:3-8. So men not taught by God have been many Sauls educated by Gamaliels and persecute the children of God while thinking to do God service. You who preach condemnation of men do not know God or Christ. Let the Holy Ghost "knock you down" by His light and live. God, Jael Christ, and Pravuil the Elect One are judging demons only! Enoch 46:4-8, 68:4,5

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